US Navy Veterans of the Persian Gulf AVP Flagships

USS Greenwich Bay 2012 Reunion Notice

AVP 55 Reunion
AVP38 Reunion
AVP41 Reunion

USS Greenwich Bay Plaque

Service: Navy
Unit Name: USS Greenwich Bay AVP41
Date: Oct 11, 2012 - Oct 14, 2012
Place: Sheraton National Hotel
City: Arlington
State: VA
Person to Contact: Martin Brown
Email Contact Person: Send Email
Web Page:
Phone: 910-582-3791
Comments: Any Shipmate that served on the USS Greenwich Bay, at any time, is invited to attend this 18th Annual Reunion. Contact Martin Brown now as we only blocked 70 rooms at the hotel and they will be filled quickly



Each of the 3 ships has a page at
The following links take you to the Naval History page for each ship.
Duxbury Bay AVP38, Greenwich Bay AVP41, Valcour AVP55
Check the site for the other AVPs and other ships and items of interest.
Navy - Together We Served